Parents Dd's Level 8 Meet Report

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Granny Smith

Proud Parent
Theme - We had our Up and our Downs and live to talk about them....

What an interesting meet. It was definitely far from the best. Of course she had an 8am report time, YUCK! We live about 40 minutes from where the
meet was so we left around 6:45am. Mom's night before ritual, very
restless sleep, up practically every hour, nerves are building....
I was pretty sure that she was going to flip her vault this meet
because she hadn't been practicing the twist at all and she landed 5
flips the day before at practice. The meet was Modified Capital
Cup, there were 18 girls in her age division.

Another thing that always seems to happen to our gym, we started on
beam, double YUCK! Funny how the host gym pulls the primo rotation
of starting on vault. We stayed for the next session too and again
the host gym had the primo rotation of starting on vault. Doesn't
seem like a random drawl at all, now does it (scratching my head,
sitting in my "thinker" pose.) Oh sorry Blackie, don't take this the wrong way,
just my sarcastic analization...

Beam -

Huh, I am watching my child warm up for beam and begin to realize
that they have put her last in the rotation. I continue to keep my
eye on her and see that she looks horrible. You could see the panic
in her eyes, I didn't get it. She looked like she was a deer in
headlights - definitely not in it. After she came off one of the
warm ups up on beam, HC even gave her the snaps in the face, like
what's the deal, get in the game. She looked absolutely horrified.
Based on how this was going thus far, I wasn't expecting much. Well, it
was finally her turn and up she goes. She
gets through the BT, balance check. Does switch leap, another
balance check. This is starting to remind me of her first level 8
meet. Does series (BHS-BHS) and falls, I could sense it, but was
still hoping that she would make it through the routine, but I
should have known. Well anyways, she's back on and she is ready for
her dismount and I was like, oh no, she is dismount on the wrong end
and there is no landing mat for her, just the like 4 inch mat that
is usually under the 8" one. That's how out of the game she was,
she mounted the beam on the wrong end. Oh well, knock 'em dead and go
for it - she does and sticks the landing (had to hurt a little on
that one little mat.) Score - 8.55, no placement.

I have now come to the conclusion that all this child was thinking
about was vault, right from the beginning of the meet. I think her
petrified look and anxiety attack on beam was really about her doing
her vault for the first time.

Floor -

How can she mess up floor, her floor is great. The stress of beam
is out of the way, it's time to shake it off and do what she
normally does. Warm up is non-eventful (YEAH...), she's up in the
middle of her squad-pack. She goes, she actually hit all of her
passes. She did her FHS-FLO-FT and her RO-whip-BHS-BT and then FHS-
FP. A very nice routine. Score - 9.125, 5th place. She actually
scored the highest of her teammates, so that is something that she
can bring out of the meet.

Onto Vault -

I'm starting to feel my heart come up through my throat and my
nerves were starting to go. Her first vault, it looked like she landed it,
but she said she put 1 knee down after her feet. Ok, I see her pop up and she's still alive, so all is good in my book. Second vault, she was close
to the table, but much better landing - still low, but only feet on the mat this
time. She pops up salutes the judges and has a big smile on her
face. Vault was a success, in dd's terms that is. Score - 8.6,
9th place. This is her highest score thus far in level 8, so this
is encouraging. Especially considering that she really has only
consistently had this vault for 2 weeks and has never competed it on
a hard surface, so this is the "lemonade" of the meet so to speak. You can see her excitment in the video, she is so happy when she pops up to salute the judges - I loved it!

Bars -

Bars is last, bars is great. This is where dd shines, she had
this in the bag. No biggies, warm up was normal just as expected.
Well she's up, I'm all relaxed and she kips up to handstand, but no
pirouette comes back down handstands up again and very archy
pirouette - ok, I'm fine with that, I know this is how she handles
if she doesn't get the pirouette on the first try - ugly squat on,
but does it and quick jump to high bar. It didn't look right, but I
thought she'd pull it off. She does clear hip and then just flops
on bar, no handstand, no nothing, just hips on bar. So, now she is
gathering herself up there on the high bar. Does she attempt to do
the clear hip to handstand again, no she just handstands, 2 giants
and flyaway. So, essentially she had no circling element in her
routine. Score - 7.7, yeah no placement.

AA - 33.975

Rant to follow:

After meet, dd was fine, smiling and she knew she screwed up
bars, but it happens - even to the best. She and her teammates know
that they are going to get a beatin' from the coaches today at gym.
HC was not happy at all - funny her level 8 finished 1st place, but
she was fit to be tied.

I happened to see HC outside the room after the meet and I was like,
do you believe it, her bars and HC was like that was the worst
routine she has ever done even in practice. I said well at least
she made her vault. HC didn't like my attitude and told me that was
all she was focused on and she needs to think about all events,
blah, blah, blah. HC continued to say that she was very upset with
the way the team performed and quite honestly that it would be best
if I didn't say anything. Well, I just looked at her and said ok
turned around and walked away. I have no idea why I was even in the
hall to begin with, because I had to go to the bathroom, so off I
went. When I came out HC was talking to another parent and she said
that she wanted to talk to me. She apologized for saying what she
said and I told her that if she is going to tell me to not say
anything then I am not going to stand there and just look at her. I
then proceeded to tell her that although she is the coach and she is
not happy with how they did, that I am the parent and I need to find
the positive of the meet and bring that out to the my child. She
told me that I need to tell dd to listen to her coaches and then
again I responded that I need to tell my child that she did the best
she could and that I as a parent need to make lemonade out of the
lemons that were dealt this meet. She really bothered me with
this. My kid did not intentionally come to this meet and say hey I
want to do bad, she's 12 yrs old and she gave it what she had. I
had still had yet to see dd at this point. After the awards,
dd was up with the girls, she came back to me and asked me to
give her a kiss. That's what my kid wanted a kiss to let her know
that she did her best and I was proud. She knew she didn't do well,
but she wanted to know that I was ok with it. That is what I as a
parent have to deal with. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with
HC. She is the HC and a darn good one, she had her way of doing
thing, but don't ever question how as a parent I should respond to
my kid - don't cross that line.

As for the meet, well, it's over and looking back, the meet wasn't
the best, but there are things she can build off of and her next
meet is 2 weeks away. For me, I was shot.

When I post video, per dd's request she would like me to edit out bars, so
it might be a little shorter than usual.
You sure know how to build suspense!

Too bad there were some rough spots, but at least now she has conquered her vault!

I agree, a meet is one moment in time, and it could be your best or could be your worst. Celebrate what went right, and work on fixing what didn't. Hopefully the coach will have a better attitude today. Maybe her nerves were just built up also. Instead of have one daughter to worry about, she has a whole team of daughters to worry about! But I agree, you are the parent and she shouldn't question the relationship you have with your DD.

Hopefully it will all come together at her next meet. I'm always glad when the first one is out of the way!
Granny Smith thank you so much for speaking your mind to the HC! I'm so proud of you! So many parents try to kiss the HC' know what...just trying to smooze them. Major point here being... you love your DD whether she does gymnastics at all...let alone how she performs at any one meet! The coaches job is to teacher your DD the skills & help her excel in the sport they both love. Apparently she is very good at her job...b/c your DD is an amazing gymnast! But here the HC was acting as if the results of this meet are some kind of reflection on her as a coach...& she was being defensive. But she's not seeing the whole picture....this was just one meet out of your DD's entire life. There will be other meets...this meet was not the end all & be all..none are...well... maybe you could say the Olympics are(but you get my point:eek:). Thank you for having such a great parental attitude. A coach should coach...and a parent should parent and both need to be supportive of the other's role. I think you made this point tactfully & with grace. And I think your DD came away from this meet with a lot to be proud of! She is such a talented gymnast...yeah she nailed her vault!!! There's a confidence builder right there! Congrats to DD!!:D
You are such an awesome mama. Your conversation with the HC made me cry. Good for you for sticking up for yourself, your place as a mama and your girl. You are so right about it all. Build her up for those positives and help her through the hard parts of the meet. I am so proud of the way you talked to her HC, you were to the point and calm, wow!

I do think that some times coaches take things a little too personally. Though I know that they have a lot of time, etc, invested in the team, I always wonder if, like you said, they actually think the child came to the meet thinking, "Hey, I think I will just mess up on beam and bars today and maybe even vault and floor." My DD is little, but I know that she goes out there and does her very best for that particular day and that is all I can hope for. That, and that she comes out of the meet with a huge smile on her face.

I can't wait to see her floor and vault! I bet next meet will rock and hope that the HC has calmed down a bit by now.
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gymjourneymom - you hit the nail on the head (where I bolded), she expected more from our group. She knew we were the best group out there, but didn't feel that we did the best we could. Overall scores were low and I think at first she didn't think we, as a team, did as well as we did. They came in 1st place by about 1pt, so in my book it really wasn't that close.

I am so thankful that dd was at practice every day it was held over the break or I am sure that that comment would of been put out there.

Looking back, I am just so proud of dd considering that in the past if she would have fallen off of the beam and bombed bars in the same past meets, she would have been in tears. She is now more mature and realizes it wasn't her day overall, but she faced one of her demons head on and stomped right over it! I am only more confident that dd will be stronger next time out.

Thanks again!

Granny Smith thank you so much for speaking your mind to the HC! I'm so proud of you! So many parents try to kiss the HC' know what...just trying to smooze them. Major point here being... you love your DD whether she does gymnastics at all...let alone how she performs at any one meet! The coaches job is to teacher your DD the skills & help her excel in the sport they both love. Apparently she is very good at her job...b/c your DD is an amazing gymnast! But here the HC was acting as if the results of this meet are some kind of reflection on her as a coach...& she was being defensive. But she's not seeing the whole picture....this was just one meet out of your DD's entire life. There will be other meets...this meet was not the end all & be all..none are...well... maybe you could say the Olympics are(but you get my point:eek:). Thank you for having such a great parental attitude. A coach should coach...and a parent should parent and both need to be supportive of the other's role. I think you made this point tactfully & with grace. And I think your DD came away from this meet with a lot to be proud of! She is such a talented gymnast...yeah she nailed her vault!!! There's a confidence builder right there! Congrats to DD!!:D
Oh my gosh. I just figured out that you meant that your DDs L8 team took 1st place. That is awesome. I thought you meant that HC had a DD on L8 that got 1st place.

I really hope she has calmed down and can take the day for what it was. They all did their best, apparently it was still pretty good, even with some issues they took 1st place team, imagine when they all rock! They will be unstoppable! I hope that if I ever have a discussion like that with a coach I can say it as well as you did. You get a 10.0 for the day!
Granny, I love your play by play--- you put down exactly what many of us think as we're watching a meet. Of course she was focused on the vault----1st time flipping the yurchenko in a meet. The child is not a robot. She did a good vault and now has the confidence to know she can do this vault.
HC was out of line with her comments. Obviously she wanted better routines out of all the girls, but some days it doesn't happen and beating them or parents up verbally isn't going to change the scores. Glad you took her to task for her comments.

I would be thrilled if my gymmie can get a 33AA by her 2nd L8 meet. She's getting more stand ups on the tsuk, but its not a "for sure" vault and all of a sudden her baile has gone south.
Wow Granny--that was great reading!! I think you handled your self very respectably with regards to the coach. HC was being very defensive and insensitive regarding your dd. DD may had not had the best meet, but the fact that she went out there and pulled off her vault was AWESOME!!!!! She is only 12 and it can be difficult to switch gears so quickly and block out emotions and worries during other routines. It is only one meet and like I always say "you have to learn to deal with and learn from the bad days so that you can appreciate and cherish the good days."

Great job to your dd and to you for being such a loving and supportive parent!!!
Ditto, Even if a gymnast scores miserably and totally bombs a routine (it's very rare not to have that experience if a gymnast competes long enough) if she and all the other gymnasts at the meet come out of it safe and sound that is the most if not the only important thing in the end..there's always another day and another meet....
OK, I didn't finish reading...didn't get past first paragraph but what I heard on Sunday was that the host gym ALWAYS starts on vault? Not sure what sort of truth this is but it went that way on Sunday too. Maybe an owner/coach can pipe in to confirm this? Hey, maybe it is "my gym I go where I want" too, LOL

BTW, I allowed my DD to do ONE event, bars, only because of the special treatment of extra coaches and extra mats. Her big bulky wrap got in the way though and she hit the bars with her foot but land OK, just a little one footed. She got 7th place and you would think thought she won the olympics. She yelled at me all the way home how I should have allowed her to do everything! Hearing about that home vault rule though probably would've killed her foot right at of the gate!

Anyway, the foot injury, to update is a long story..will make it a post maybe...the report said no fracture but the Ped Ortho said hairline. Not sure who to believe and we are in huge discussions over what to do for states, if anything. I can't believe I am arguing with a 7 year old who insists I should allow her to compete because she worked so hard all year long. I haven't slept a wink all week.

...OK...but back to reading your story.......and I am sooooo sorry I missed the floor routine, I really wanted to see it!
OMG! I am bawling! You are such THE MOM and what you did was what every mom wishes she had the gutts to tell a coach at some time. I realize I pay tuition for the coach to do the job of preparing my child for the requirements of a meet/level body & mind, but it ends there. There is no WAY a coach can change the dynamics of the day & meet results and the end what happens, happens. And after the meet US...the moms who pick up our daughters who put their hearts into it. She did that vault....DAMN I wish I could have seen it! That is awesome! That coach should be celebrating those momments too instead of reflecting on the flaws. Nobody is perfect. You know the bars are usually good, you know she can do was an off day and it happens. But WOW about the vault! Loved you play by play too.

Met some of your L4 moms who sat behind me, they were nice and we tried to get them some insider info about state times. You have a wonderful gym though, even your L4's have great polish and perfection. Those Atlantic Coast girls were phenom too! Who are used to HOH kicking our booty but those South Jersey teams did great at the L4 session.
OK, I didn't finish reading...didn't get past first paragraph but what I heard on Sunday was that the host gym ALWAYS starts on vault? Not sure what sort of truth this is but it went that way on Sunday too. Maybe an owner/coach can pipe in to confirm this? Hey, maybe it is "my gym I go where I want" too, LOL

Not true. I am the Meet Director for our gym and there is no truth to the above statement. For some rinky-dink meet, yeah no big deal, but I have to say for a larger meet I think it should have been a blind drawl - not that it would have changed anything, but it was just a small detail I noticed while attending 2 sessions.

I deleted the part about your dd, but that is too funny! Remember though that you are mom and if you feel it is in her best interest to miss States than you need to pull rank. Remember she is only 7 and what she really does at this point has no bearing 10 yrs from now, but you don't want to put her out longer by her putting pressure and making her injury last longer than it should. If she is going to 5 regardless, then I would really think about letting her compete everything.
Ok, so I have posted the video:

YouTube - Classic for the Cure L8 2009

Due to her lack of bars, I decided to add some other footage that I would normally leave out, just some intereaction with her coaches and her walk back after her 2nd vault. I so wished she would of looked over at me, but oh well (I think they are trained not to ;))

I love the background "talk", I know that you can somehow filter it out, but I actually love hearing my disfunctional family, it kind of keeps it "real."

You hear me panicing when she is on the beam about not having the mat in the right place. You hear my ds asking if the meet's over when she is on her first event. You hear my color commentating before she goes on floor, I think I need to work on that! My MIL is trying to tell the next girl to compete on floor to sit down and you hear me tell her you can't tell her that! And what was up with that cowbell....(I am sort of the sarcastic type. :eek:)

FYI - The coach in the white is the HC.

Per dd, practice was uneventful yesterday and it seems we have moved on. And so now we focus on getting ready for the 16th, her next meet. She is competing on a Friday at 2pm (don't they think these kids should be in school???)
Love the video GS!!!DD is an amazing gymnast!!! Hope her HC got some sleep or whatever it was she needed, to not be such a Debbie Downer!!!! PS-What was up with the cow bell????
YOUR DD IS AWESOME!Way to go on getting her new vault!For a girl to be as nervous as she was ,she pulled off some beautiful routines.Her team placed 1st and the coach still wasn't happy ?We has parents have to praise our kids espiecally when we no how hard our gymnast work.Thanks for sharing the vid.
GS ~ I finally watched the video. She looks great! I laughed out loud at your son asking twice within 10 seconds, Is the meet done yet?? Too funny! My ds would've been the same way, hence the reason I don't take him to her meets! Let us know how she does this weekend!
Thanks! We are leaving tonight around 7pm. She has practice from 3:30 -6:30. I am not looking forward to the drive, but I don't have much choice!

I'll post a report when I get back...
Despite the anxieties and the "mistakes" your dd did very well, everytime these girls go out there, they should be PROUD of what they can accomplish!! The HC needs a smack in the head for HER attitude and comments!

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