Just wanted to share a funny. Anyone else have rules that make you giggle?

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We had a parents club meeting last night. They had ALOT that they talked about 2 hrs worth of talking..lol. Anyway, they had a few new rules. I just had to share one of the new rules with you folks.
ALL team girls must wear deodorant, regaurdless of age. I actually giggled when I heard this. Kadee is 5 yrs old (will be 6 in Aug) Yes, she sweats, but she doesnt yet get that sweaty smell to her (she has that sweaty little kid smell..if that makes sense..lol).
But they explained it this way. "Some girls START going through puberty as young as 7, some not until they are 15-16. And that's when they really start smelling..is when everything is just starting to change for them."
I can remember very well starting to go through puberty at 9. Not many of my friends had started into that great journey of puberty. It was embaressing and I was one of my only friends who had to wear deodorant.
They want ALL team girls to wear it regaurdless of age..for many reasons. So no child is singled out. So the coaches dont have to say..so and so, you really need to wear deodorant. Or saying, okay all girls over yadda yadda age has to wear deodorant (because there is such a huge window there of when this starts). Its just straight across the board..something the all do.
Plus the one and only male assistant coach, mentioned that for him personaly..when he goes to try and catch someone who is falling off the beam, or is going into an element on floor that he sees isnt going to end well...the place he tries to grab for if he can is under the arms (mainly because thats a reflex thing to do, and because there are teen girls and he doesnt want to make them uncomfortable by grabbing them somewhere else if it can be helped. Of course their safty is first and if he has to grab a handful of the top or bottom to keep them from crashing head first into something..then without a doubt he will do it)
Okay, getting off track. What else is new? So for him..thats his prefered contact point..and its easier for him if they arent all "slippery" there..lol. And he said that has nothing to do with puberty. They all sweat there. They just dont get the funk, until those hormones kick in.
But Kadee is SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited she gets to wear deodorant. She is just the bee's knees right now. I sent it in her little gym bag she carries in her backpack on gym day. (just has her leo, bar shorts, brush, hair tie, snack..now deodorant..lol). She is to leave it in her locker at the gym from this day forward. But she said today was show and tell at school and she wanted to show everyone..lol. I told her to run that by the teacher first and not to take it out unless the teacher said it was okay.
Anyone elses gym have this as a straight across the board rule?
Or any other rule that kinda makes you giggle?
Yes DD's team asked them to have it in their locker also. I bought her some and told her not to wear it. She does anyway of course and she's very proud of it.

Speaking of which, there is one girl on DD's team who has serious BO and she is only 8. She has different work out days, but her sister is on the same day as my DD so she's sitting upstairs and plays with my 2 year old and she smells so bad. I'm not being mean, but how can her parents not smell her? When she leaves you can still smell it because the area is very small and closed it. Not good.
Our gym doesn't really have too many rules - our team isn't big, and our HC isn't afraid to tackle any issues head on with the gymnast or their parents, so she hasn't felt the need to impose rules across the board. I imagine if a gymnast were starting to stink, she'd let her know gently, or call one of her parents. Our gym is always hot, and our gymnasts are always sweaty, not just under the armpits. It's just the way it is.
Guess every gym is different. The coaches are pretty open abotu things. But try to avoid embaressing them if they can. I live in Arkansas..they practice in a big metal building (warehouse style) they have air conditioner..but in the hotest months when its 110 degress outside..there is no way to keep it even close to the word cool in that gym. The open the bay doors and turn on these two big industrial sized fans..and give them alot of water breaks. These girls sweat like crazy too. Guess the coaches are just thinking about their feelings. I just thought it was silly to send deodorant with my 5 yr old. But I do get why..lol
I like that rule! We have had way too many weird personal conversations with girls and their parents about needing deodorant, and yes some little kids have bad B.O and it can get tricky telling an 8 year old and her Mom that she stinks and needs it when puberty is the last thing on the childs mind.

Another rule I would love to see, is girls maybe team or 8 and up need to wear some kind of sports bra. They do have them in child sizes at many stores. Reason is that is another awkward conversation and even if they are not going through puberty just yet, there is the issue of light colored leos, leos that the straps don't stay up well on, well I don't need to say much more.
That's too cute! We don't really have a general rule at our gym about deoderant. I guess it is just something that the parents look out for and then have their kid start using it when they need to. My dd is 12 and hasn't begun puberty yet and hasn't started "smelling" yet LOL. Her 9 YO brother on the other hand, has that sweaty musky smell, so I am thinking that he will need deoderant before his sister does!!

This thread reminded me of an occurace that happened to us a few years back. We were at a cheer competition for my dd (she was about 6 or 7) and they handed out goody bags of promotional items to ALL the competitiors. Well, my dd and her friends are looking through the bags and pull out the complimentary box of tampons! Of course, they are all asking what they are and some (who are old enough) were giggling up a storm. My dd turns to me and says "Mommy, what am I supposed to do with THESE???" It was kind of embarrasing but cute and funny at the same time.
I would check with your pediatrician first before using deodorant on a 5-year-old. My neighbor's daughter started having some BO at around 7 and so she took her to the doctor as she thought it seemed odd. The pediatrician said it sometimes happens and so to make sure she showers often etc. He said that deodorant has ingredients in it that aren't good for little kids (or something like that) and so he didn't recommend it. I think there may be some deodorants that are considered safer than others. Anyway it is just something I would consider first.
My coaches never made a rule about it, but at the beginning of every summer, they call all the girls in a group, and basically say we need to wear deo. One girl was hilarious, she came in one day, and kept sniffing her armpits. Every once in awhile she would say "I'm wearing my dad's deodorant! It smells so goooood!" I think she was around 9 at the time. :) That's when the coaches started putting spray deodorant in the bathrooms... women's deodorant...
I will say upfront that I do not like far reaching rules that try to regulate problem behavior that only a few have. I think deep down I find it passive aggressive or cowardly or something....like the person "in charge" doesn't want to deal with the issue directly so they pass a rule that is really only directed toward those few. It puts a burden on all affected though.

I also wouldn't let my 7YO wear a commercial deodorant. I see no reason to have those chemicals on her body when she doesn't benefit in any way. I don't even wear typical antiperspirants. I use those natural rock crystal types because I need them. However, I'm a fairly intelligent person and I think I will notice when my daughter needs deodorant or a bra and I will handle it then. I would balk at a rule that my child must wear deodorant or a bra just because some other kids need to.

If a child is going through early puberty then I think it should be handled discreetly between a gymnast, coach, and parent. But to put the burden of accomodation on kids who don't require the "extras" doesn't feel reasonable to me. Just my $0.02.
BO must be going around, lol. Pixie came home about 2 weeks ago and said they told the girls they had to start wearing deodorant too. She just turned 10 so she's on the cusp of possibly needing it. Though, she never has BO. The only time she smells is after practice when I can smell sweat in her hair but she's never had "BO".

So I thought okay, I'll get her some. She was really excited about it. I guess she thought it would make her feel older. So I got her a stick of Dove antiperspirant thinking it would be more gentle than the others. Well of course she put it on the next morning before heading to school and when she came home she said "my armpits are itchy". I took a look and they were red and inflamed. Not only that but she has welts all over her back and gouge marks where she had been clawing at them all day. Poor thing! I immediately gave her some Benadryl and she felt better soon after.

But, I just kept thinking "ugh, my daughter is alergic to deodorant. What is she going to do when she really needs it!?" haha! grrrr......
But, I just kept thinking "ugh, my daughter is alergic to deodorant. What is she going to do when she really needs it!?" haha! grrrr......

I know everyone's different but I'm allergic to pretty much every deodorant except Dove's "Sensitive Skin" unscented one. I break out the same way it sounds like Pixie did. So if you give it another go you can try that one, though maybe try it on a weekend day when you're hanging around the house or something. ;)
I will say upfront that I do not like far reaching rules that try to regulate problem behavior that only a few have. I think deep down I find it passive aggressive or cowardly or something....like the person "in charge" doesn't want to deal with the issue directly so they pass a rule that is really only directed toward those few. It puts a burden on all affected though.
I would balk at a rule that my child must wear deodorant or a bra just because some other kids need to.
If a child is going through early puberty then I think it should be handled discreetly between a gymnast, coach, and parent.

I agree, why make everyone do it when they don't really need to? They could just discreetly talk with the parents of those particular kids. It does seem like a cop-out.

I'm a fairly intelligent person and I think I will notice when my daughter needs deodorant or a bra and I will handle it then.

I agree, there is no way my 8 year old needs a bra or deodorant yet. My almost 10 year old is beginning puberty and will need them soon.

I haven't heard any mention of this kind of thing at our gym. I suspect it is probably discussed discreetly with the older girls, perhaps just as a gentle reminder. There was a sign at my DD's dance school in the changing room reminding the girls to wear deodorant.
But, I just kept thinking "ugh, my daughter is alergic to deodorant. What is she going to do when she really needs it!?" haha! grrrr......

My older dd has issues with lots of products making her itchy. I try and stick to items that are for sensitive skin and fragrance free. Dove has Ultimate Sensitive Care and it seems to work well for her.
Bella's Mom I fully understand your point. I truely do not believe its a cop-out on their end. I truely believe its to try and keep from hurting feelings down the road. Even though there are still going to be some that dont wear it, forget, dont wear the right kind for them and its going to have to be brought up. I totaly get your view of it..and i think its just silly for Kadee to wear it at 5 yrs old...but i see their point too. I showed her how to put it on..told her to just dab it under her arms..not rub it. So if any is even getting on her it is minimal. I gave her a thing of the dove sensitive, non scent. I have SOOOOOO many different kinds around the house because a couple years ago i had my thyroid "killed" with radioactive iodine...for Graves Disease. I never really had a problem with sweating before all that...now I sweat like a pig...and I have yet to find something that helps. Ive even used the OTC "clinical strength" in a couple different brands. I might have to hit my PCP up for a prescription and see if that works. Or really start looking into some home remidies.
I would check with your pediatrician first before using deodorant on a 5-year-old. My neighbor's daughter started having some BO at around 7 and so she took her to the doctor as she thought it seemed odd. The pediatrician said it sometimes happens and so to make sure she showers often etc. He said that deodorant has ingredients in it that aren't good for little kids (or something like that) and so he didn't recommend it. I think there may be some deodorants that are considered safer than others. Anyway it is just something I would consider first.

There are some natural ones, like Tom's of Maine, that don't contain aluminum and are gentler than 'regular' deodorants. Its not an antiperspirant, just a deodorant. Maybe try that? Also, I've heard that JV deodorants are a good choice for younger kids, too.
Too funny! Our gym just re-implemented the deoderant rule also! It was a big topic of conversation for the next hour or so after practice!
It is very hard to find commercial deodorant that doesn't have antiperspirant in it and I won't let my kid use antiperspirant yet, not at age 8. I worry enough about using it myself, so it is out for her. We have looked everywhere for deodorant (only the mens section has it), but nothing mainstream that doesn't have an antiperspirant in it.

I got her some of the more natural stuff and it works fine for her. She was noticing her underarms being stinky and asked me to get her something. She likes the Avalon Organics Mint Thyme and the Tom's of Maine Apricot. She was using a crystal stick for awhile and that worked well, too, but she dropped it and it broke and we haven't gotten another one.

I can see suggesting it, but not requiring it. And I can see how it would be a hard topic to bring up to just one kid, but I would ignore that rule if it was my kid, especially if she was 5! Even if she was 8! My kid only really uses her when it gets hot and she sweats at gym.
pixi flips- it might have just been that brand of Dove Deo. but i know someone who is allergic to all Dove brand stuff(body wash, deo,ect.) and she said the same thing happened to her before she new she was allergic to it. so you might wwant to check into it. or she maybe allergic to one of the ingredents
I understand what they are doing and I have also heard that it's a good idea to get your kids in the habit of using it at around age 8 so that when it's needed it's already a habit and no one will have to tell them they stink. I am conflicted on it-- but I found this and I would be OK with my DD using it Kids Deodorant but anything with an antipersperant (sp?) in it for kid this young I personally would not allow.

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