Parents The lesser spotted CGM

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Proud Parent
After some advice for when I stop biting my tongue ;)

I had the pleasure of listening to a CGM at DDs last training session, complaining her daughter hadn't had any attention in the past 10mins, that it was @#$&ing her off and she stormed out the gym.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Why you may ask? Well her daughter is the one who gets the most attention, who purposely makes mistakes so she can get extra turns, who pushes in the front of others to get more attention. Her DD had a meltdown as the HC won't let her compete a move she's not got consistently, burst into tears and stormed off the floor so the HC had to stop everything to deal with this kid. When she did go back and do her floor routine, said CGM was too busy chatting to actually watch what her daughter was doing.

Luckily, I'm not the only parent whose noticed this and we've been joking about timing the one on one training our daughters get vs what this child gets just to prove a point to CGM one day ;)

So how would you deal with this except ignoring them? :)
Pretty much just ignore -not obviously but by avoidance -choose seats further away etc.
Sadly (for their kids ) these type of CGP's& their stressed out kids usually leave the sport.
Good luck☺
I would not say, "ooh, look, Suzy is getting attention." Every single time Suzy getsattention - no matter how tempting it might be... you would probably end up with laryngitis anyways ;-) Just breathe and know that this too shall pass. :)
Well sometimes when I get cranky I like to call people out or counter every single thing they say that is wrong. So if this mom caught me on a bad day, then I would contradict every thing she said about how her dd wasn't getting enough attention and point out the obvious. Of course you have to be prepared to make that person angry. I never get mad at the person, just state the facts. But sometimes I can't keep my mouth shut any longer LOL.
We have one similar.

Constantly complains little suzy doesn't get any attention, the group is too big because of people turning up for extra sessions (there are 4 sessions a week for that level, everyone is allocated 2 sessions. *If* you want to do an extra, you miss your own session, or for a bit of extra practice, you are supposed to ask as you can only do it if someone else is missing- the classes are full and should not go over the pupil:coach ratio).

Guess who it is that's usually the one there for the extra session? Without asking, just joins in.

Smile and nod, smile and nod. Then keep away.
I would not be doing any joking. Just stay away from that situation. The parent might not be able to pick up on the joking.
Lol - you could always agree with the CGP - maybe they would pick up on your sarcasm, or maybe not...

"I completely agree with you, maybe you should take her talents to a gym that will appreciate her."

And then you would be rid of it!
I would just be polite but not engage in conversations about the gym, coaches, practice at all.

We have a mom that stays for all of every 4.5 hr's of every practice, she cheers her kids on under her breath at every drill and can be kind of annoying. She also mutters when they don't get things as well as she would like. I used to try and come about 20 minutes early for pick up at least twice a week because DD likes it. This mom has pretty much ended that me for a while. I just couldn't take it. The minute I would walk in she would start giving me a play by play of the whole practice, who got what first, who was best on what drill, how long they spent on each event, who the coach was picking on, etc. Even trying to steer the conversation to non gym stuff didn't work. We have a small team at are level so her group of people to talk to is small. The worst part is I think she is probably a very nice person if she would get a grip.

Anyway DD started getting bummed I wasn't coming a little early at all anymore. So we compromised, 15 minutes early two days a week. I try to stay on the other side of the viewing area while still being able to see. When she comes over I just smile and nod and if I ever say anything about practice it's how much I like the coach and how good our team is looking.

Good Luck!
When folks ask why I haven't been around much, I have been known to say,

"I just can't get involved in the minute by minute stuff and the drama. It really won't matter what happened today, months from now when they have their meets. I'm sure the coaches are on it. So I need to stay away for my own peace of mind. And it frees up almost 9 hours of my week."
It's soooo tempting to find ways to sneakily (passive aggressively) comment on stuff like that!!

We have a mom at dance who vastly overestimates her DD (one of the weakest members of the group although Mom doesn't see that) All last year (her DDs first in that level) she complained that she couldn't see her child because she was so far in the back on all the dances. This year, a very lovely younger dancer (who will get put in front, let's call her Suzie) moved up to the group and the group is also a lot smaller, so crazydancemom commented on how she might actually get to see her DD this year and how horrible it was last year and went in and on. I nodded and smiled and said "well, that's how it is when you move into a higher level, you have to pay your dues and be in the back, no biggie", TRYING not to engage because she basically wants you to agree with her that it's some sort of conspiracy, her DD is a fantastic dancer and it's completely unjust to keep her in the back. ;) She turned back to me and commented on how it sure didn't seem to work that way for new dancer who had a space in front. I looked at her and said very nicely "well, Suzie IS a very talented young lady"... And walked away from the discussion. I just didn't know what else she could have possibly expected as the outcome of that comment..? ;) I know it was horribly PA of me but I'm not going to lie to her face and commiserate with her about how everyone must be out to get her wonderfully talented DD..! I'm also not going to tel her straight up that she needs to get a grip on reality and realize where her DDs place is in the group. She is absolutely one that will take note on every perceived "extra" any other kid gets, and any perceived "slight" against her DD whether it's from the teachers or other girls. Drives all of us batty!!
We have a CGM that has been causing drama at our gym. I have tried to stay far away but she is toxic. She whispers to the person you are having a conversation with, accuses you of random things, and yes does all the other typical CGM things described above. URG!!! I love to watch my DD since she is so young but the CGM is making me RUN!

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