The Pros and Cons of Privates

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From a previous post there was some discussion regarding private lessons. I know that a few coaches were against them (Dunno ;)). I had never heard this before. My 6-year-old is only a level 3 and LOVES gym and her coach especially. She BEGS me for privates after hearing other girls are doing them. I have let her do a few since she just moved up and is learning her routines for the meet that is approaching and I never thought that they may be a bad thing. I don't foresee us doing more in the near future, but she does love the time alone with her coach. I would be interested in hearing what others thought regarding this topic. My main priority is just keeping gym fun for her and since she got so much enjoyment out of the privates I found this topic interesting.
As a gymnast, I see nothing wrong with privates, although I don't do them! I think it is a great way to learn new skills though. But I already spend so much time in the gym, there is no need for me to do privates!
My dd (7)has had one private. But it was a special situation. She doesn't really care for the beam-not her fave- and actually forgot part of her routine during a meet (yes, its in her youtube videos for the whole world to see;)). She really didn't want to do that again-and she was having problems with little things, so she took an hour private-just one- with the HC, who is a "beam queen" herself! It really helped her finetune things and gave her a load of confidence...I don't think she will ever forget her beam routine again!

So, if she ever had a need like that again, and if she requested it, or the coach suggested it, I would let her do it again, but other than that, I see no reason for them. As gymnast695 said, she's there all the time anyway:D
Not to mention, they are usually pretty pricey:eek:
My DD has done many privates at her old gym because she just wasn't getting all the skills in the regular classes. The privates if used to fix small errors (which is what my dd had) are great. That one on one really gives them some time if they aren't getting it in their regular sessions. I honeslty don't see a con in doing some other than they can be costly. Now that DD is in her new gym we haven't had the need for them. DD is getting all her skills in the class the way she is supposed to (says alot about the coaching at both gyms doesn't it?). Now if we get to sectionals and states and there are a few small things that can be fixed with a private or two then we will ask for some but honestly in her new gym I don't see a need for it. The coaches are great and really focus on those things in the regular class.

At our last gym everyone seemed to Need privates to get skills not a good sign. If your DD is progressing and doesn't seem like she is struggling, the coaches are great then privates probably aren't needed other than she wants some.
My daughter is on a YMCA gym team. Her level 5 team only practices 6 hours a week. She and another friend from the Y team take a "private" lesson (the 2 of them together) at the local private gym about twice a month. To me it feels like a good compromise... it still ends up costing less than if she were to actually be on the team at the private gym, and she still has time to do other stuff, yet it really helps her to get some of the polish that the Y can't hope to offer in that few hours. Also, the Y doesn't have a spring floor (they have to stop the music and move to an airfloor for tumbling passes) or a regulation vault (that's the next item on our "to buy" list) so it gives them a chance to use those things at other times besides at meets. I've been really happy with the arrangement.
You should not have to pay extra for private lessons if the program is structured correctly! (I also feel the same about conditioning at home but that's another topic) Especially as your daughter is level 3, what is she needing from privates?
Cons of regular privates (as in more than a few in an entire career)..
They can get costly.
They put other kids at a disadvantage.
They can make a gymnast "spoiled" in the sense that they are rewarded with extra one on one attention at their private lesson even if they slack off during practice (I say this because if they need all this extra practice they are probably not putting it all into regular workouts... or maybe just put at a level that's too hard for them..)

Don't get me wrong, if it is a fear issue I can understand and see a possible need (if working on the fear during regular workouts is not working). That is probably the only time I might allow them.
Some might say they are good in terms of injury, but I think wrkouts can be altered to accomodate and when the child is ready to come back, privates might actually be more harmful since they are more intense than regular practice.
Stopping my rant now
I took one private in level 6, when I had a TERRIBLE fear of flyaways. To this day, in level 9, I still hate flyaways. I'll do them. But no matter what anyone does, It's a struggle for me to just let go of the bar. The private definitely helped, because I got to focus, and really see what my fear was. I can't see it being practical, however, to have privates regularly. (Although in MaryA's case, it makes sense.)
DD has had one private and it was this year. As her Mom, I thought a private would help her fine tune and add finesse to the dancing parts of the level 5 routines. She will have her first level 5 USAG meet on the week end of her birthday. Because she had the opportunity to complete through the Rec. program, I was able to note that her skills were good, but the little things could stand some fine tuning. Of course, I asked her coaches if they thought she needed them first. In no way would I have pushed the issue if they had not agreed that it was a good idea.
As a teacher, I do see privates somewhat like academic tutoring. But I do agree that the kids spend enough time in the gym already. In my DD's case she is the youngest and perhaps does not pay attention to the 'finer' details like the older girls. However, one private should be enough. I have no intentions of requesting privates from her coaches unless they see a need. But even then, I would have to question is the private imperative. DD was able to fix/tweak the major problems in her routine with just one private session.
I have seen parents who insist that their DD go to weekly privates on top of train for crazy hrs. These poor kids will burn out sooner than not! But that is just my opinion.:)
The little ones like them not so they can fine tune a skill, but as the OP realizes because they get one on one time with a coach and it makes them feel special. Most of these "privates" really turn in to glorified play sessions. I would tell the OP to save your money on the privates and put it away for when tuition goes up because she's moved up a level,you need yet another comp leo and on and on.

Our experience with privates has been minimal. Of course optionals need them to get their floor/beam routines, but past that my gymmie has done very few. The few she has done has been when she has felt the need to work on something. She really doesn't like doing them at all. Gymocoach26, I so agree with you. At my gymmie's level she's in the gym for 20 hours/week. With good coaching and wise use of time she shouldn't need privates. Last season we did have to do 3 on vault with another coach because her tucked yerchenko was not happening and all her regular coach was saying was "run faster, try harder and tuck tighter." Other coach watched her and noticed she wasn't square coming out of the bhs onto the table. So they worked on that and guess what---success.

I have seen a couple of girls in our gym and they have a set weekly private. Their teammates notice they don't put out as much during their regular practice because they have that private to fall back on.
The little ones like them not so they can fine tune a skill, but as the OP realizes because they get one on one time with a coach and it makes them feel special. Most of these "privates" really turn in to glorified play sessions..

I agree in part. Partially I agree because DD did tell me first that she wanted a private just like "so and so". Her initiation is what brought about the private as a whole. I do feel that "fine tuning" is the right word for me because what I mean is... kick her leg higher before she does the full turn, hold her leg up at least 90 degrees before the back walk-over on floor, hold the handstand at least 3/100 counts etc. All in all slow down and listen to the music. With 5-10 girls in the same rotation at practice, it is an obvious that some things may get unnoticed. Don't get me wrong, her coaches do a great job, but at only 6 yo DD registers some things a bit differently. With a private, she was able to have the coach's undivided attention as was the coach from DD. I was there the entire time, and at no moment was the private ever turned into a play session. DD worked diligently with her coach, and they noted she was far more serious in the private than at practice. Coach says she works hard at practice, but come on she is 6. When she can she will play with her buddies as will the other girls. In the private, coach said she was all business!:)
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I don't really encourage privates in a gymnast. There are many cons, for a start they are very expensive, you pay so much more for a little private time than you do for a lot of group time. In order to justify the cost you would need to get as much out of the private as you would out of a weeks worth of group training. Secondly there is the peer factor, kids need to train around their peers. Being around other who are working towards the same skills will allow them to motivate each other and learn from each others mistakes and triumphs. When a skill is mastered the whole group can share in the success rather than just the gymnast and the coach. Parents expect to get a lot out of a private but skills take time to master and won't be mastered in a few private lessons.

I do think privates have some value but not on a regular basis. If the child has a particular problem that needs correcting or a routine to learn or a specific skill they need more work on then one or two privates are great.
My daughter does a private weekly to up-train bars. There are days where she leaves this hour long private more tired than she does after 4 hours of gym so it's by no means a time to fool around.

Her coach does a circuit style private where she's constantly moving between the strap bar, regular bar and conditioning stations. He stresses form and the muscle memory required for good form, as well as strength and focus.

My daughter loves bars, but uptraining bars during season just isn't an option for most of the girls on her team. This private keeps her excited and challenged.
Personally, I've found that privates are very helpful as a self confidence tool. There have been a couple times that DD has become frustrated with a skill or event and I tell her she'll be fine after a private and she is (probably because 1/2 the problem is in her head). Our compulsory teams are fairly large so it's hard for the coaches to dwell on little things that may be taking small amounts of points, so it's good for fine tuning as well. Don't overuse though -- I seen some 5 and 6 year olds burned out by frequent privates on top of practice. Our head coach is adamantly against privates for girls who don't come to practice though.
We are about to have our daughter take her first private lesson. While her vault has drastically improved she is still not getting the timing down and her scores show it. She is getting very frustrated with not being able to figure it out. Hopefully a private lesson will be just what she needs. I could never afford to make it a regular thing, but for a specific need I think it can help.

Daughter has never had a private on the 4 years she has been on team. I really do not think the HC likes them. They usually pull them aside in practice if they are having trouble with a skill. The only time I heard privates mentioned was if they missed too much summer practice but then it seemed more like a threat( if you miss too much practice in the summer you have to pay for privates). I am not sure it was ever inforced there have been girls who missed a month and never had privates. I did bring it up to my daughter since she is struggling with floor skills but she told me she is there enough. The HC also knows about her floor issues and never brought up bringing her in for privates. So for now if daughter and her coaches do not feel this would be benefical I see no reason to persue it. I quess that is one of the reasons why I like daughters gym it is small the coaches are effective without private which would cost me extra money.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. My daughter has perfect attendance and really tries in each class. She is just very determined to get skills and it seems to take her a little longer (maybe because she is new to the team and playing catch up? or could just be the way she learns.) I really appreciate everyone's thoughts! Thanks!!!
I do privates sometimes for kids who can't function in a class or team grouping. Some kids have average or better physical abilities, but cannot 'do' the whole group class, or cannot yet. I do quite a bit of work transitioning kids with disabilities from 1 on 1 or very small group to 'normal' groupings. :) We have had a lot of kids who are very motivated but need that extra attention to start off.

Your average gymnast? I don't recommend privates as a matter of course, but if someone missed a lot of practice & fell behind on an event, or was struggling with fear, or struggling with a complete "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME IN EXQUISITE DETAIL WITH ABOUT 100 DRILLS" kind of skill block, i could see a few being useful.

And I'm extremely NOT comfortable 'pushing' privates. If someone wants one, they know where to find me.
Privates definitely have their time and place in my view, but I'd be wary of any gym that pushes them on a regular basis as a way to get ahead or learn skills. Sometimes it's just a moneymaker.
I see one and only one reason for a 6yo L3 to sign up for a private: to boost her confidence. If the interest is already there and she is already learning along with everyone else (given the kid is already on the team), a private would seem like an expensive skill based baby sitting service.
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My daughter is Level 6 and has likely done 1 or maybe 2 private sessions a season. (She did Prep Opt for 2 years and then switched to USAG level 5 last year, so this is her 4th year on the team)

This fall she did one to work on her flyaway a few weeks before her first meet. Her gym is great and the coaching is great but she wanted 1:1 time to focus with a coach to work through the routine (and her fear).

I definitely wouldn't do it many others have said, if they need a private weekly than I think the coaching might not be effective during practice.

Out of curiosity, what's the going rate out there for private sessions? Ours run $75/hour so I can't imagine that on a regular basis! I already pay enough monthly!! We're on the East coast in an urban area....I'm guessing on the expensive end of things!

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