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  1. Anonymous Post

    Anon Training groups

    DD finished a very successful level 5 season, is training 6/7 and mostly “has” her skills but they need work (recently started swinging giants inconsistently, working on beam flight series, tumbling is very strong). She was informed she will compete 6 next season (Jan 2025). We are ok with that...
  2. Anonymous Post

    Anon Ever have an entire team have a bad year?

    I’m wondering if this is normal or if I should be worried about our coaches and gym. After a couple of strong years (consistently getting everyone into 1st-4th places in AA at States in their age groups), my daughter’s gym and coaches seem to be struggling to hold everything together. They have...
  3. Anonymous Post

    Anon Cast squat on

    Hi I’m a silver gymnast and I’m 14 and I’m the oldest and they won’t let me move up when I got my back walkover on beam and a front handspring on the vault and I’m still on silver. But it is on teeny tiny problem….i don’t have a squat on well I have it but when I do it I only get one foot up...
  4. Anonymous Post

    Anon Clear hip to kip-how to not hit feet on ground

    My daughter hits her feet on the ground when doing her clear hip back into a kip. It has improved and now she is barely touching her feet but she competes in a week and would like to fix this. Any advice for her? Thanks!
  5. Anonymous Post

    Anon Coach making me feel belittled and worthless.

    Hello everyone! a little background about me is that I am a current high school senior, 17 and I do xcel platnium! Ever since I came to this new gym there is this one coach (we will call her Coach A) who has made me feel that I should quit the sport. First day I got there my coach (Coach B)...
  6. Anonymous Post

    Anon Bra Question

    Keeping this anon because it would embarrass my gymnast. Our new comp leos are low back mesh, so sports bras are basically out. This was not an issue last year, but she recently developed. A lot. I had a breast reduction at 20 and gymnastics didn't save her from genetics. My kiddo needs support...
  7. Anonymous Post

    Anon How to get height in a back tuck?

    My daughter has her round off back handspring back tuck. She is competing it, but I know she is taking deductions for not having her tuck high enough. She says she doesn’t know how to get her tuck higher. Does anyone have any advice I can share with her to help her achieve this? For reference...
  8. Anonymous Post

    Anon Possibly Unpopular Question: Former National Team Members Competing in Nastia?

    There are often questions on this forum about "is it fair for former elites to compete L10?" or "Is it fair for someone training tops to compete L4?" or "Is it fair for someone with L7 skills to compete L5?" etc. etc. and my opinion to all of these is a simple "yes." I mean, we all know that...
  9. Anonymous Post

    Anon How often do your share your child’s accomplishments on your own social media

    I’m curious how often people share about gymnastics meets and placements on their own social media accounts (not social media for recruitment purposes). I have friends who post after every meet, including videos of routines. How often do you think people actually want to see posts related to...
  10. Anonymous Post

    Anon Xcel silver or bronze?

    (I am asking for a friend from my gymnastics practice - she is not old enough for chalk bucket so I am asking for her….I asked her what I should post and the below is what she messaged me and she wanted me to post this verbatim. Excuse her terrible grammar….) so im going to try out for xcel...
  11. Anonymous Post

    Anon How many times do you have to do a skill to stop being afraid of it?

    I have struggled a lot with back handsprings off and on, mostly due to injuries, family issues that made me miss practice, and bad coaching(happened many times over 4 years, in that order. The bad coaching was the hardest thing to get past because I stopped practicing it because I wasn’t allowed...
  12. Anonymous Post

    Anon Social Media Accounts to Follow

    We live in a town with very few gyms and my daughter as always gone to the same small gym. I have tried to educate myself on the sport in different ways. Lately I have enjoyed following larger, reputable gyms on social media, specifically Instagram, to get an idea of what each level should look...
  13. Anonymous Post

    Anon Ready to Tap Out of CB...

    So I've been here awhile (the days of Bog). I've reached a point where I'm considering tapping out for a couple of reasons: 1. I think the age limit for kids should be raised. I'm not very comfortable being part of a group where kids are receiving advice on sensitive topics from strangers. We...
  14. Anonymous Post

    Anon Why is this a thing? (leotard required)

    Before I start- I am not trying to hate on leotards. I have other things to do than to rant about certain pieces of fabric. Also, people can and should wear whatever they want without being shamed for it, if its a bikini or a burka. . This question just comes from genuine curiosity. The gym...
  15. Anonymous Post

    Anon Why do coaches have favorites?

    Just asking... I don't want to get kicked out of my gym if my coach looks at this so yea. This has been going on for around 3 months and my coach only pays attention to 3 gymnasts one in level 4 one in level 5 and one in level 7. I understand that the level 5 and level 7 need more attention...
  16. Anonymous Post

    Anon Can you wear ponytails for competition?

    Is there a deduction for hair being in a ponytail for competition? Looking to braid my daughters hair part way into two ponytails but I don’t want her to get deductions for her hair. Thanks!
  17. Anonymous Post

    Anon Healthy Or Not?

    What is an appropriate weight for a female thirteen year old gymnast? I weight around 140 pounds and I am really healthy and fit but I have some concerns. Some people have called me fat, sometimes even as a joke, but now I look in the mirror and I don’t know what to think. My thighs are awful...
  18. Anonymous Post

    Anon Is HOPES possible/worth it for my kid?

    TLDR summary: My kid will be 11 soon. She is competing level 6, has all her level 7 skills. Sweet, brave, coachable kid. "Elite" coach at our gym approached me to ask about moving my kid into the HOPES training group. Kid is waaaaaaay behind the others in the group at this point. And really she...
  19. Anonymous Post

    Anon Start value for level 9 bar routine

    What would the SV be on level 9 for this bar routine: Kip cast handstand pirouette Kip cast handstand to Chinese sit up (toe shoot??) Kip cast handstand Free hip handstand 2 giants Double back dismount They are taking pak out temporarily for more work/clean up.
  20. Anonymous Post

    Anon Back layout xcel gold??

    Can an xcel gold do a back layout instead of a back tuck? Would that count as the skill without hands?