Poll Discussion (from the reopening gymnastics clubs poll)

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Yes, it is mostly about limiting numbers. In the first phases of re-opening ALL business are going to have to reduce capacity - Factory workers standing farther apart on the line, offices having desks further apart, restaurants with fewer tables. Every gym is likely to have a number of people they are allowed to have in the building at a time, depending on square footage. If a gym is only allowed 20 people at a time, better to have 18 gymnasts and 2 coaches than 9 gymnasts 2 coaches and 9 parents. It is going to be the only way for some to stay in business. But it does also violate safesport to limit viewing, so I don't really know how it's going to work. Lots and lots of unknown, lots and lots of variables.
Im the wife of someone who works in the field of contamination and bio hazards, and even he does not understand the arbitrary 6-foot requirement. He says it might as well be 1 foot or 10 feet, it really doesn’t make much difference. Sometimes these hoops they’re making us jump through seem more about appearing as if we are doing something, rather than actually doing something.
And I’m not just making things up. I haven’t been near a hospital, but I see them at the stores every time I go, in their scrubs. Saw at least 4 yesterday. My point is, parents stuck at home are no more a risk than the kids themselves. Don't read between the lines and act like I’m slapping anyone in the face or insulting anyone.

I'm not reading between the lines - I'm reading what you wrote. And i didn't say you are making it up, but you could be making assumptions. The people you are seeing in scrubs might be going out before their shifts or perhaps are not working at hospitals/clinics and therefore have no more risk than the cashier or childcare worker (who also frequently choose to wear scrubs). And if you are seeing hospital employees and clinic employees heading (particularly doctors, nurses and therapists) out into public venues in their used work scrubs, then yes, that is a problem and they really should know better. We aren't even allowed to do that when there is NO pandemic.

Either way, I agree with your point...but it easily could have been made without dragging medical personnel who are already in the thick of it down further. Most of us have gone beyond the call of duty to keep those around us in our communities and homes safe. I pulled my kids from gym before it even closed knowing that they were likely vectors because of our jobs.
Im the wife of someone who works in the field of contamination and bio hazards, and even he does not understand the arbitrary 6-foot requirement. He says it might as well be 1 foot or 10 feet, it really doesn’t make much difference. Sometimes these hoops they’re making us jump through seem more about appearing as if we are doing something, rather than actually doing something.
Honestly as a gym owner there will be a lot of things we do to keep our gym safe and there will also be a lot of things we do that may make very little difference but give the illusion of keeping the gym safer in order to help keep our clients minds at ease. They may be for economic reasons more than for health reasons, but at the end of the day doing more than we needed to do, rather than less can’t be that bad!
why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.
If hospital workers are wearing the same dirty shoes to the grocery store, that would be why your shoes would be contaminated....your fault? Nope. Still a vector to spread virus where kids do handstands? Yes.

Shame on any medical person working with infectious people, who would wear dirty scrubs/shoes in public. I hope those you see have clean scrubs, on the way to work...and different shoes on! I have designated one pair of my work shoes to wear only in the hospital. I work with a healthy population and still take all precautions with everyone.
I'm late to this thread. But just FYI. As an emergency physician seeing COVID daily I do wear scrubs in the hospital and change into NEW CLEAN scrubs (scrubs are comfy) before I get back into my car and go home or grocery shopping. I leave my shoes at the hospital. I have two young girls and strip down at home and leave even the CLEAN scrubs in the garage. Point being you most likely (hopefully) are seeing us front liners in clean scrubs.....gosh we went from heroes to being shameful in no time...haha. Oh and I'm all for having the kids take off their shoes at the door and cleaning their feet with wipes before they go into the gym.
Yeah, the scrubs issue is just silly. I have scrubs that I love to wear when doing something like grocery shopping. Scrubs are used in a medical environment bc they are comfortable, allow freedom of movement, relatively inexpensive, and most importantly very easy to wash.

I dont even work in the medical field any more, I stay at home now. But I still have, and wear my scrubs for daily activities.

If you see people out wearing scrubs and you are so sure that they just came from an infection ward, I want you to go up and ask them. Rather than making dangerous assumptions and spreading dangerous rumors.

Some ppl need more science.
As far as gym goes. Youth sports and gyms haven't opened yet but the current plan has them opening after MemorialDay.
My daughter's T&T gym, which also does dance, has the larger T&T gym and 3 dance studio rooms. Luckily each has it's own entrance so athletes will enter and exit there.

Hands must be washed or sanitized between events and when arriving and before leaving.

The drinking fountains are turned off and bathroom use is discouraged either than hand washing (?) I guess?

Athletes are encouraged to wear their masks. Which seems easier for dancers than the T&Ters but we are trying to test my daughter's masks out to see if we can make them stay on through flipping.

My daughter's gym has taped spots 6 feet apart for the dancers and for the gymnasts to stand while waiting for their event. And they will only allow 3 gymnasts per event (there are 3 in T&T) but will move to 5 per each event after a couple weeks.

My boys' soccer is doing similar things to space the kids out and decrease likelyhood that they will interact. Seems easier for outdoor soccer than indoor sport like gymnastics where they have to share equipment.

And yet it won't be enough. Once one person gets it in the gym the whole gym will be exposed very quickly. Same with my sons' soccer teams.

I will wait a couple weeks after youth sports begin to open to see how things begin to spread. It won't hurt anyone in my family in the long run to wait a couple more weeks. My little family is pretty athletic. We've taken up running and biking daily to keep up our endurance. My daughter has done my boys' zoom soccer practices with them. My boys have done my daughter's zoom conditioning with her. So we are staying active together.

It's a fine line to walk. I get it. I miss everything that was normal. I want to see my kids enjoy themselves doing the things they love.

My mother in law died 3 weeks ago from Covid. It killed her very quickly, in 4 days. If you are so excited to return to normal bc somehow you've been led to believe this isn't so bad and its overblown. Remember her and the nurses who made her last moments more comfortable.

This has been a darn hard time for some of us.
My mother in law died 3 weeks ago from Covid. It killed her very quickly, in 4 days. If you are so excited to return to normal bc somehow you've been led to believe this isn't so bad and its overblown. Remember her and the nurses who made her last moments more comfortable.

This has been a darn hard time for some of us.

Amen. We also lost my MIL at around the same time. We had a memorial service on Zoom. Afterwards, was surreal to turn off the computer and then be alone in the house, when ordinarily we would be surrounded by our large family, telling stories and laughing and crying together.

This virus is now the leading cause of death in the US and has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War. Those who don’t take it seriously are very fortunate that it has not yet taken one of their loved ones.

It’s also important to remember that for many people lucky enough to survive the virus, recovery can take many weeks and may never be complete.
Im the wife of someone who works in the field of contamination and bio hazards, and even he does not understand the arbitrary 6-foot requirement. He says it might as well be 1 foot or 10 feet, it really doesn’t make much difference. Sometimes these hoops they’re making us jump through seem more about appearing as if we are doing something, rather than actually doing something.

It's to (hopefully) prevent droplet spread and contamination.....I guess I'm puzzled by your husband's comment, does he think there should be no social distancing or masking to prevent the spread, or what "hoop" does he think isn't necessary? I've lost a close family member during this time and like mommyof1 and 3cats, it was a nightmare.....if you haven't been touched by this , you can make cavalier comments about what we don't need to do or not do , but when it hits home , it will bring your to your knees with grief .....
It's to (hopefully) prevent droplet spread and contamination.....I guess I'm puzzled by your husband's comment, does he think there should be no social distancing or masking to prevent the spread, or what "hoop" does he think isn't necessary? I've lost a close family member during this time and like mommyof1 and 3cats, it was a nightmare.....if you haven't been touched by this , you can make cavalier comments about what we don't need to do or not do , but when it hits home , it will bring your to your knees with grief .....

My sister is a physician, and has made similar comments, in that 6 feet doesn't really do anything, its an arbitrary number they picked. People have gotten infected sitting completely across a restaurant from someone, way more than 6 feet. So its moreso that staying 6 feet away, it might help, it might not, you still might get sick.

So gyms taping spacing 6 feet apart etc, isn't really doing anything at all, its an illusion of safety.
Yes there are cases of people getting sick from more than 6 feet away. But 6 feet away is better than 6 inches away. Would 600 feet away be more effective? Sure! Of course it's not an exactly perfect number, there is no such thing. But 6 feet away isn't "just an illusion". It's just far enough away to most likely miss the cough or exhalation droplets from someone who is infected while also able to be practically carried out. It's about mitigation.

All of these "it's not perfect so why do it" arguments have become exhausting. Virtually no safety mitigation efforts are exactly perfect. Seat belts aren't perfect either. People die every day in car accidents even though they were wearing them. Doesn't mean they don't make driving more safe. Sigh.
I hate to say it but we had a pretty good plan to remediate the risks from Covid 19. It was called quarentine or shelter in place. But ppl took offense so now we are stuck with wearing our masks and waiting 6 ft apart from each other so some ppl can get better at youth sports and can have fancy toenails.

Don't complain. If you wanted shelter in place to end than you're correct. At this point an arbitrary 6 ft between you and the unknowingly sick kiddo at your kid's practice is all you've got.
why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.

I have a work mask and my personal mask.

Who is doing that? All of the articles I’ve read profiling health care workers describe the measures they are taking to avoid spreading the virus via their clothing. Some shower and change before leaving the hospital. Others shower and launder their clothing immediately upon arriving home, before allowing their children to touch them.

As we leave work we wash our hands, its the last thing we do. Then an extra shot of hand sanitizer as we literally exit the building. The employee door is by Cat Scan so as soon as we clear there and the awning masks are off. We all then sanitize hands again (because masks have come off in our cars)

There are many of us who go pick up kids at daycare (mine doesn't do daycare but many of my coworkers do). We make our stops at the store and or to pick up take out, get gas, wine. Yes in the clothes we went to work in. (The PPE stuff stays at work, gowns, N95 masks, surgical caps for the folks actually in contact with COVID patients. Again, direct contact those folks change at work.) We put on our out and about masks, just debit card, keys and phone into the stores or whatever stops. More hand sanitizing when back in the car and I sanitize my face.

Can't speak for all my coworkers. But when I get home, kid and husband help with bags. Bags go on the counter. Stuff gets put away, just put away. Counter gets washed as do our hands. I get changed. My clothes go in with the rest of the laundry. Sometimes a side hug happens. I get in the shower or I get my walk in if the weather is nice and then shower.

None of us change just because we left the house and went to the store. Exception, my kid, its allergy season so if she has been running around outside. She will change but that's pollen not COVID.

Prudent here not excessive. Masks, social distance, stay away from crowds, lots of attention to hand washing, counter and table cleaning. No one sick here at the moment. Been at this since NY PAUSED the second week in March. And our area is not unpausing anytime soon.
Our hospital system (small side) just discharged our 500th recovered patient yesterday. We swabbed over 20 thousand. Yesterday our nursing home started twice a week testing of staff. All OR/Presurgical Patients will be testing 2-3 days prior to procedures. We have been able to do antibody testing for over a week. I'm going to wait until the rush passes.

Personally, I think smaller groups sizes. Lots of hand washing. On the way in, out, between events and pieces of equipment. No co-mingling of stuff. As little down time as possible. Shorter sessions, get the work done and out. Stay home if you are sick or someone in your family is. Face coverings unless you are actually "practicing". Gym cleaned between sessions.
I hate to say it but we had a pretty good plan to remediate the risks from Covid 19. It was called quarentine or shelter in place. But ppl took offense so now we are stuck with wearing our masks and waiting 6 ft apart from each other so some ppl can get better at youth sports and can have fancy toenails.

Don't complain. If you wanted shelter in place to end than you're correct. At this point an arbitrary 6 ft between you and the unknowingly sick kiddo at your kid's practice is all you've got.
Here is the thing. No one is going to force anyone to do what they are not comfortable doing.

And for the record. You quarantine sick people, not the whole population.

You are not stuck wearing a mask and distancing 6 feet apart.

You are free to shelter in place in your home for the rest of your life. No agency is going to come and force you out. You are free to never have your child participate in a sport or attend a school dance or a football game or play. You never ever have to go to a restaurant or a movie. You don't have have to take a vacation that requires a boat, train or plane. Ever. Feel free to never get a hair cut or nails done every again. Not one person is going forcing you to do any of those things.

But what I find rather hypocritical is folks who assume that those of us want to start heading back into social life with mitigation are thought of as selfish. I find someone who expects me to stay in until they feel comfortable selfish.

My kid hasn't had her braces looked at in 4 months. She needs glasses. I should of had a mammogram and colonoscopy (yes I am that old) by now. And if we want our hair and nails done and it can be done safely...... Why should someone who doesn't want to do those things but instead stay home care? Really you are completely free to do you.

When our gym is allowed to open and in my county in NY its no time soon. July or August would be a miracle. But when they do, my kid will be back. We won't swing by any ones house and force their kid to come with us if they are uncomfortable with going back. We will adhere to whatever guidelines are put in place.

But we will go back. Its necessary for my kids mental health to get back out. And that is not selfish because I completely respect your right not to.
And for the record. You quarantine sick people, not the whole population.

Isolation is for individuals that are exhibiting signs or symptoms of active disease.

Quarantine is for individuals exposed to active disease within the incubation period, but are currently asymptomatic.
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I'm not sure how gymnasts or dancers could exercise well while wearing a mask. Of course, we only have cloth ones that we wear to the grocery stores and we have a couple of N95s that DH and I have used. None of them are easy to breathe through. My dancer finishes her Zoom classes breathing heavily, and my gymnast works up a sweat while FaceTime conditioning with her teammates. I have not asked them to try wearing a mask while exercising. Has anyone or their child tried it yet? I'm not being snarky; I truly am curious about how difficult (or not) it would be to wear a mask while doing dance or gymnastics.
Masks would be a safety concern for me. Again it is all relative, I am in Australia and we have not had any requirements to wear masks, and our cases were low. If I was in a country with high numbers of cases I might deem the risks differently.

But for a gymnasts to be in the middle of a tumble or skill on any apparatus and have the mask slip, or cover their eyes, or even just distract them it could result in a serious injury. I am not sure if I would be comfortable to allow my students to do any serious gymnastics in a mask.

Obviously if this was mandated I would not break the law.

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