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^^^^Ballet too.

Side note: there's a new book coming out soon called Alexandra's Secrets about the secrets and torture behind the Romanian gymnastics dynasty. How scary!!!!


Im going to get that book!
I just watched a film called the perfect body
its about a girl gymnast who went to train
to be elite her coach forced her to lose weight
and she got all mixed up in the work of anerxia
and belimia it realy touched my heart!
anorexia and bulimia are VERY serious health issues. If you have a problem with either of these I strongly suggest that you go see some type of mental health professional. Girls die from this disease.

I've only had one run in with this disease since I've been coaching after rumors started circulating around the gym that a level 10 of mine had an eating disorder. I talked to her parents and then all of us confronted her and we decided that she would be kicked off of team until she came back healthy to us. It's a very scary disease.
anorexia and bulimia are VERY serious health issues. If you have a problem with either of these I strongly suggest that you go see some type of mental health professional. Girls die from this disease.

I've only had one run in with this disease since I've been coaching after rumors started circulating around the gym that a level 10 of mine had an eating disorder. I talked to her parents and then all of us confronted her and we decided that she would be kicked off of team until she came back healthy to us. It's a very scary disease.

Dont worry I got help and ive been ok for about a year now!

Dont worry I got help and ive been ok for about a year now!

my coaches/parents have NEVER pressured ANYONE about weight. I love what Audra said:Originally Posted by audra Body type and age do not make a gymnast - dedication and determination is what matters!I am on the smaller side too and in kids' sizes but I don't think that it matters what size you are. Some girls will make of people but the only reason they do that is to make themselves feel better.I have never been told to lose weight.My coaches/parents never pressure anyone to lose weight.One of friends was told to lose 7 pounds and lost more than that and now is always self concious about her body when she never was before. As long as you are having fun don't worry about your body. The only thing my coaches tell me is to drink a lot of water because that is good for your body. They never say anything about weight.I hope that helps.
It will probably help some. You just have a different body type. Also, I don't know how you eat currently, but the harder I'm working at gymnastics, the less junk I eat because I'm finding out how great my body is and I have a lot of respect for it. You'll probably gain a bit of muscle, which will make your number for weight go up, but you'll still be slimmer. Muscle weighs more than fat. For example, everyone always guesses that I weigh between 105-110, when I really weigh 118, because I'm so muscular.

Yes I always get that. I'm about 5'1 ish and I weigh like 112-114 ish because I'm so muscular. My mom was saying something about how in rowing they have a person under 100 pounds steer them so that they don't crash and my neighbor said that I could be that person and my moms like noooo. lol
Dont worry I got help and ive been ok for about a year now!

The fact that this thread exists indicates to me that you're not 100% ok. You may be better, but it's still on your mind. I agree with CoachL that eating disorders are serious business. I'd encourage you to talk to your doctor about this and maybe work with a nutritionist and/or personal trainer to set up a diet and exercise plan that will help you work with your body and stay healthy.
When i did cheer i always hated my legs because they are bigger than the rest of my body, but when i started gymnastics, i was really glad that my legs were stronger than most of my team.
I'm tiny anyway, just 5'2 and 90 lbs. I can barely see over the steering wheel. I hate being small.
yes i have been told to lose weight, weight is discussed in our gym, and i HATE IT. so i left that gym. i say if your not comfortable with your body then gymnastics is not the sport for you. If you are always naming imperfections with your body then you will never be satisfied. yes i did know a couple of people with eating disorders in gymnastics and eventually they were forced out of the sport. be happy with what you got. if you can get your feet over your head without collapsing then your doing better than most people in this country
:) Danielle
both of my children are very active and both have to have slims. I hope this is something that always happens. I very much watch their diet and try to teach them good eating habits and portions. DD weighs much more than most of her peers but she is much thinner. I have to say I don't tell her things like she needs to watch what she is eating but I do try to instill in both of them that junk food is not acceptable.

We are one family that may eat McDonalds once every 3 months. It just drives me nutty to see girls walking in with that before practice. We always have a bananna, apple or yogart. I know we have a diatition come and talk to the girls and such which I think is wonderful.

Remember everyone is built different and yourself esteem is what matters. Growing up I was very active in dance, gymnastics, and baton twirling. I was on the varsity cheer squad and I was one of the larger girls. I was 5'3 and weighed 115lbs. That being said most of the girls weighed under 100. I knew I would never look like them but I also knew I was not a large girl either. Sometimes you just need to learn to accept who you are and look to your positive.

Be happy you are beautiful inside and out.
I'm a little concerned too about some of the comments..."I just can't seem to lose tons of weight... tried to get me to go bulimic ... I went anorexic..." These are very serious diseases and you are never "cured" of them. It's not like "going blonde". It is more like "going alcoholic". Once you're an anorexic or bulimic, you are always anorexic or bulimic- even if you are in remission! It's a very slippery slope to fall back into that mind set again. Please be careful! As for the girls making fun of you in your leo...they are not very good teammates if they would do such a thing! Also, have you seen a lot of the college gymnasts in the U.S. ? They are not all stick thin women, yet they are all amazing athletes.
Yes my daughter has been told to lose weight even thought she is a tiny 14yr. old, 5'1" and wears a 00 or 14 slim. Her coach stresses eating right which she does. He says it is best to stay under 100lbs. to help reduce injury, of which she has suffered many. She is all muscle, I really don't know how she could lose weight without losing muscle. She is training to become elite so I think he pressures her a bit more and because she is the oldest of her team so she looks big compared to the little girls who havn't reached puberty. As a mom I feel it is my job to reassure her that she looks great and to make sure she has alot of healthy food available to eat. Her coaches comments can be hurtful but again that is when she needs the support of family and friends to help keep her perspective clear. I have seen what eating disorders can do and I am vigelent NOT to let it happen to my daughter.
exact same as maddiekate. It does make me feel really uncomfortable when people talk about how thin I am, especially guys. I'm really not obnoxiously skinny or anything.

don't you hate it? i hate when people tease me about the fact i don't have any boobs, any butt, and im skinny. its not because of gymnastics either! its just the way my entire family looks.

I am 15 years old 5 foot 7 inches tall, 110 pounds and
proud of it!

but it still does bother me when people say stuff. One of my closest guy friends a couple weeks ago was mad at me so he told my entire english class that i was anorexic.

Luckily most of them didn't believe him. I slapped him across the face:)
The fact that this thread exists indicates to me that you're not 100% ok. You may be better, but it's still on your mind. I agree with CoachL that eating disorders are serious business. I'd encourage you to talk to your doctor about this and maybe work with a nutritionist and/or personal trainer to set up a diet and exercise plan that will help you work with your body and stay healthy.

i have to admit, that after posting the last post that i did, i am realizing more and more how much i do pick at my body. Yes, i am proud of my size, but im not always proud of the way i eat. There's always a voice in my head that tells me that i don't have to eat that, and that i shouldn't eat anymore ice cream or cake or whatever. Or it would just be easier if i would just get rid of it. I have nevr EVER listened to that voice before though, i eat normally and sometimes i do eat a lot, but because of my fast metabolism and growth rate, it hasn't effected me.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem.... i hope im not the only one.
I eat a lot too. I'm about 5'1" and like 112 pounds maybe? I'm muscular and built like Alicia Sacramone or Shawn Johnson. ( Well much taller lol)
Yeah I'm definitely not proud of the way I eat.I'm lucky my metabolism is somewhat fast. But definitely when I stop training gymn I'll have to make sure I exercise A LOT so I still keep my same body.....
1) no
2) yes
3) no
im 14 years old and i weigh 132 lbs. so yeah ppl have told me im fat and that i need to lose weight but i cant lose muscle that i need! so yeah...
I guess I'm built much like you, cccam.
I'm 16, 5'7 1/2 ish, and 115 pounds. Everyone always says how I'm so skinny and people, who don't know me always tell me to eat more. The thing is i eat constantly! I must have a really fast metabolism because no matter how much i eat I don't gain a pound.
On the other hand, I think if i wasn't active and didn't do gymnastics i would be fat....
One of my goals in life is to always eat healthy and stay active.

And to Dani I would say if you are recovering from anorexia, don't worry about losing weight even if you may think you are over-wight. Do gymnastics if you love it to stay active and make sure you eat healthy, and forget about weight. Just remember eating healthy will help you succeed in gymnastics.
Congrats on being recovered from anorexia for almost a year, that is amazing! You are obviously a strong individual being able to recover from such a horrible disorder!
Good luck with gymnastics and everything in the future!
i have been doing gymnastics for 10 years and i have seen many different body types. some are short and kinda stocky, and some can be tall and thin. i have also seen some girls who could be considered large, but it is more the muscle mass.

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