level 9

Level 9 Gymnastics

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  1. M

    Parents Level 9

    My dd is in elite/HOPES but she is doing level 9 as per coach for the meantime. Problem is her starting values are low in every events and she is doing elite elements. My question is why her scores are so low? And why her starting values are low? Is it because she is doing elite/HOPEs elements...
  2. D

    Coaches Level 9 first meet.

    except for the extra stoop circle, I just hope the other meets go this well.
  3. L

    WAG L9 Mental Block only when Competing

    Hi everyone, Hoping for some advice. DD is a 13yo repeat L9. State champ on bars last season, 5th aa. Went into regionals 2 weeks after state with a mental block and would not do bail. Recovered over the summer. Was doing fabulous bar routines in the gym. Come to first meet: bam. No bail in...
  4. K

    WAG Moving to NorCal! Advice needed for gyms for Level 9!

    Hi We're moving to NorCal soon! Around the Monterey area. Gym recommendations please!:) Super Excited!
  5. mom2557

    WAG Deduction for spotting L9 bars

    What is the deduction for spotting the pac or shoot over in L9? Thanks!
  6. S

    WAG Level 9 beam

    Would you please tell me if a beam routine with these elements meets the level 9 requirements and is up to level? What would the start value be? I apologize in advance for the glaring parental ignorance. The skills aren't in order, and I may be missing some. Press HS Mount, front or side...
  7. G

    WAG Level 9 Beam Dismount

    For level nine dismounts, are you required to do at least a full twist? Or is this just one option that fits the requirement? Also, what would the deductions be for doing only a roundoff back tuck?
  8. squid

    Level 9 bars

    Is there a way to get bonus for doing a D+B on bars (shootover handstand connected to Chinese sit-up)? Or is it only C+C? My coaches and I are trying to figure out my last tenth of bonus. I am doing a pirouette to shootover (.2) but may have to get that toe shoot connected to double if not...
  9. DefiniteMaybe

    WAG Level 9/10 Changes?

    Sorry! I cannot find the recent thread about new requirements for difficulty in levels 9 and 10? Something like a deduction for not being up to the appropriate level of difficulty maybe? Can somebody help me out?
  10. M

    WAG Level 9

    Could you compete level 9 floor and beam without any back tumbling? Im curious
  11. M

    WAG Level 9???

    My daughter is 11 years old and she just finished her level 8 season strong. At state meet she got a 37.475 and placed 2nd, and at regionals she got a 37.225 placing 5th. She's very exited to work fun new skills this summer but in wondering if you think she has skills good enough to move up to...
  12. profmom

    MAG L9 ring routine construction question

    Is it still forbidden to do two different types of yamawakis in L9 (i.e., tucked and piked)?
  13. flippingtogether

    WAG Numbers of L9 and 10s moving from Regionals to Nationals.....something seems crazy!

    It's a big Regionals weekend, so I was looking at the data around the country for this year. I find this crazy: It has to do with the number of qualifiers at L9 and L10 moving to nationals.... (I know this came in discussion a while back ago, and was REALLY hoping things changed. It appears...
  14. F

    WAG States level 9 and 10

    How do they qualify for regionals based on their state scores or place. Do they go for ind events ? Nj please
  15. e'smum

    WAG Please explain level 9 qualify score for states/regionals to me!

    Our 9s are competing today. I thought that you needed a 32 to go to states but we have girls who only competed 2 events all year at states. Those girls also got the qualifying score today to go to regionals. I know they can declare a specialty and they have to do it before hand but that's...
  16. flippingtogether

    WAG Level 9 Skills - beam and floor

    I am trying to figure out for floor and beam - what would be typical for a first year L9 to compete at a minimum? (ie a competent but not a strong L9 on the spectrum of skill difficulty.) And what would be expected skills for a L9 who has been at the level for two or three years, getting ready...
  17. esor

    WAG Level 9 Beam deduction/start value question

    Quick back story - my DD had elbow surgery in the fall and we thought her season was shot. But, ends up, she is going to compete this coming weekend on beam and floor at her first level 9 meet. She is so excited even though she knows she will not be super competitive because she has not been...
  18. skschlag

    MAG 1st Level 9 meet

    D did his first level 9 meet last night. Most of the big gyms in the state were there (one was missing). He had a very solid meet, winning 1st on pbars (13.0), 2nd on pommel horse, vault, and high bar, and 2nd all around!! he was kind of shocked.
  19. thefellowsmom

    WAG Level 9 Beam - Single Acro?

    I am a little confused about all the requirements and judge preferences for level 9 beam. Is there a single acro requirement? If so, what skills qualify for that? Is that a compositional requirement or just preferred by the judges?
  20. L

    Parents New Level 9 wants to quit

    DD (13, almost 14) just became a L9 and the season is starting. She was on fire during the summer and got all of her L9 skills. All of a sudden she started losing them one by one (she had a bad fall, so I think that was the starter). Now she says she doesn't want to do college gymnastics and...

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