Parents We have officially decided to switch gyms!

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After my many weeks of grumbling and complaining I've come to the point that we are ready to switch gyms. Two other teammates are going with us and that will ease the transistion. The hard part is picking a gym. I actually know which gym I would prefer to go to, one of DD's teammates switched there about 6 months ago, but their schedule is rough for us. They start at a time that would be difficult to make. We could do it, but it would be a mad rush. They also practice on a day where she has dance. We would be really late. She would for sure have to drop one dance class and maybe both. I don't really want her to do that. I did find a gym that works well with her schedule, but I'm not sure how much long term potential there is at that gym. I don't want to switch and then a year from now switch again. There are about 5 gyms I would consider within a 30 minute drive. There are at least 5 more within a 45 minute drive. While I'm lucky to have so many choices it makes it really hard.

The easiest part is that DD seems okay with it. She only cares if her friends go with her. I'm kind of sad, but excited at the same time.
I am interested in this very topic as we are considering switching gyms at this time. I love the location, teammates and staff at our current gym, but the HC seems focused on grouping the girls together instead of moving some up that could use it.

We don't have much choice in our area and I'm truely torn with this. Best of luck to you during your transition phase.
We did just that a few weeks ago. Bad time of year to switch, very costly as well, but we have to do what is right for our daughters. She is slowy adjusting to the new gym and slowing making friends, all will come in time.

My advice is do what works for you and your family, not on anyone else unless they are carpool friends. Consider the right distance you want to travel, the right schedule, the right coaches and the gym policies. If you don't focus on what works for your family, it can be trouble down the road.
Good Luck!

We switched and it was the best move we could have ever made. it was really more stressful and harder on me then her.
We switched in February and it was difficult but glad we did it!! Now I cannot imagine being at the old gym. Our new gym has a completely different philosophy and work out regimen that took awhile to get used to but now I love it. Most importantly my daughter loves it and I have seen how much she has grown at the new gym. It was hard for her at first leaving her friends but she has made a new set of friends and loves them too!! I would think about choosing long term gym just so you will not have to make that move again:)
I'm still waiting to hear back from one gym on their schedule. So far I've only found one gym that has a work-out schedule that would fit with DD's dance schedule. I really don't want her to have to quit dance. She really likes it and looks forward to the recital every year. She has friends there as well so I want to do everything possible to allow her to continue.

The one gym that has a good schedule has good Lv4-6 gymnasts. After that there isn't much. Considering that I really want DD to compete L4 next year I think the gym could be a good fit for the next few years. That's if they want her and we like it after trying out. It's 30 minutes away.

The gym I'd like to take her to has a schedule that doesn't fit, but I think it has more long term potential. She has a friend there already and it's a great program. It's only about 30 minutes away.

One of the other options is kind of the super gym in this area. They have winning teams at every level and they participate in TOPS, have some elites etc. DD actually tried out there this weekend and they accepted her on their level 4 team. This gym is closer to 45 -50 minutes away and again the schedule doesn't fit with her dance schedule. She'd have to quit for sure. Her teammates have already said no to that gym because of the distance. The best part of that gym to me is that they have an entire group of kids that she's be with that are exactly her age. It just seems too far to me at this point. I know it's only 15 minutes further, but traffic can be an issue at certain times of the day.

I'm confused about whether I should go ahead and try out gyms that really don't fit our schedule well just to see what's out there. Because she will essentially be repeating level 4 (she didn't compete) I'm wondering if the gym I really want to go to would allow her just to come 2 days. You hate to go to a new gym and then right away look like you aren't fully committed. Dance only goes through May so it's not forever.

I would try everything possible to avoid the gym that is 45 minutes away. Our old gym was about 25 minutes away on Saturday morning, but during the week after school it could take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to get there.

It is a lot with school and homework and hard on the mom too! Also, if you stick with a gym so far away and don't carpool, where will you go while DD is at practice? Believe me it is not healthy to watch all the time. And you're not going to drive 45 minutes and go home another 45 minutes only to turn around and do it again at pick up time.

Since you have so many gyms to choose from, I would shop around. I would look for the best gym, not one that fits your schedule. Let them know you have a schedule conflict and see what they can do. Then you can decide from there.

BTW, we were at a gym that produces a lot of elites, etc. It was NOT the gym for us and I could never see myself recommending them to anyone, even someone who is looking specifically for an elite track. So an elite gym is not always a good indicator of being the right gym for you.

We are very happy at our new gym and my DD is growing in leaps and bounds at the "smaller" gym.

Good luck!
My dd made a switch back in April. Didn't know any of the girls on her team but she fit right in. We knew it was the right move for her. Luckily the new gym is no further away than the old one so that wasn't an issue.

If the schedule and the distance really concern you then make that the deciding factor. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to get her to the gym in time, especially if traffic is a problem. You'll just stress yourself, and her, out more then you need to. It will especially be difficult if you have other kids that need to be someplace, too. If she moves up in the levels that only means more hours at the gym so you'll be there even more often. Do any of these gyms offer dance as well as gymnastics? Maybe you could look into that possibility.

It's hard to get everything you want in one place so don't rush into anything. Don't leave out possiblities because her friends aren't going there. She will make new friends with her new teammates wherever she goes.

Good luck and keep us posted!
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Speaking from experience, I would say that it is important to pick a gym that has the most potential. DD was a very young gymmie when she entered level 4. She had just turned 4 yo. I did what I did based on my experiences with my older DD. Due to circumstances with older DD, she was hoped from gym to gym. THIS was not at all healthy in retrospect. I had her go from gym to gym because of family circumstances. I didn't look at what was best for her. Well, she paid the price. She loved gym, but could not put it all together in the long run.
With little DD, I made the decision to place her in a gym that offered the highest degree of potential regardless of how long she remains in gym. Just like choosing a school, we go for the best, gym choosing should be the same. I drive 30-40 mins. However, after 1 year, I have finally gotten into a car pool. We started carpooling last year when she was only 5. It's awesome let me tell you!! I totally trust DD's coaches, and based on the level and quality of gymnasts at the optional level, I know she is in the right gym. If she is going to go far in gym, this is the place for her. I tend to do my research annually to assess my decisions. It's tough raising kids. But like anything, if you want to support your kids, we as the parents have to do our homework too.
Is their a possibility of getting into a carpool at the elite gym you mentioned? IMHO, if they have excepted your DD on their level 4 team, she must have potential/talent in their eyes. I realize it may be tough commuting back and forth, but it may ease up as she progresses. I have never stayed to watch DD at practice. It is NOT allowed at all; they go as far as to put the policy in their handbook and are sure to give it to every 'new' team parent. I hope this helps. Good luck with the move. You are doing the right think to move her before she begins competing. The gymmies that tend to grow up in their gyms tend to form a bond with the coaches and in turn the coaches get a 'feel' for how far the kid can go. All is relevant.
Maybe I am in the minority here, but I would definitely keep the gym distance in mind. I wouldn't really rely too much on carpooling because if your carpooler is sick or out of town, guess what?? Your dd has to miss practice or you are scrambling around tryout to make last minute adjustments. How old is your dd again? I would also try to keep her in the dance classes--they really help balance the gymnastics and you said that she does love them.

You won't find a "perfect" gym but you can weigh all the pro's and con's and make a balanced decision. If your dd is young (under age 7), I seriously wouldn't worry too much about picking "an elite gym" at this point. At this age you want to look at the coaches and how supportive they are and how they coach. You also want to make sure that the kids are having fun but also getting opportunities for uptraining so they don't get bored. Gymnastics is definitely a delicate balance and finding the right gym can be a tedious one. Keep notes on all the gyms you visit. After you have "comparision shopped" you may want to list all the pro's and con's in a thread here and get our input. It is always helpful to get all sides and every scenario before making a decision. Good luck!
After my many weeks of grumbling and complaining I've come to the point that we are ready to switch gyms.

Ok I think that you really must mean that you have made the decision to switch your daughter to a new gym, or are you also doing an adult class at the gym.

As your daughter's mom I know that you are footing the bill and being the transportation, but it is her sport. So we should not come into play in your choice of words.
Good luck in whatever YOU decide! Go with what you think is important and I'm sure you will make the best choice for your family. I hope the new gym is a better fit.
Ok I think that you really must mean that you have made the decision to switch your daughter to a new gym, or are you also doing an adult class at the gym.

As your daughter's mom I know that you are footing the bill and being the transportation, but it is her sport. So we should not come into play in your choice of words.

I think until they drive "we" is probably the right term. LOL. Our gym won't let the girls move up unless the family looks at it from a "we" perspective. We are a big gym so they have room to be choosy but parents do an enormous amount of work regularly at our gym. Parents (not paid staff) figure out the meet schedule, keep track of who is signed up and fees, work at 2 meets per month during fall/spring season, truck and set up equipment at statewide meets. I could keep going. Family involvement was just added to our handbook as a requirement. Of course, her bhs on the beam is all hers! :D
Ok I think that you really must mean that you have made the decision to switch your daughter to a new gym, or are you also doing an adult class at the gym.

As your daughter's mom I know that you are footing the bill and being the transportation, but it is her sport. So we should not come into play in your choice of words.

LOL--I know what you mean mom2kazkids. I often chuckle when I hear posts that include things like "we made it to Level 7" or "we got our kip!". I often wonder if the parents are doing adult classes or are on their dd's teams!!! I know that sometimes it becomes a habit to say "we" and "us" when talking about gymnastics because some parents become very involved (not in a bad way, per se).
I agree the gym needs to be a good fit for your daughter. Our new gym was an awesome way for us to go but a friend was thinking of switching and I knew she would not be happy with our gym philosophy and I told her to look else where. Not every gym is right for everyone.
Another option would be to see if there is another dance school that would fit with the schedule of the gyms you like. One of my DD's team-mates gave up ballet recently because it conflicted with gym, but there is another dance school she could have gone to instead. I guess doing two moves at once would make it harder, but kids usually settle in quick if they like it.
Ok I think that you really must mean that you have made the decision to switch your daughter to a new gym, or are you also doing an adult class at the gym.

As your daughter's mom I know that you are footing the bill and being the transportation, but it is her sport. So we should not come into play in your choice of words.

No I really do mean WE made the decision to switch gyms. WE includes my DD, her father, my mother and of course me. I don't think a 5 year old is old enough or wise enough to make this decision on her own and I also don't think that it should me a decision I make without her input. Her father and I discussed it. Then I discussed it with my mother because she takes my DD to the gym on certain days and she needed to be on board with it. Then I brought the idea up to my DD. I explained to her what our thoughts were and gave her a few options. I also told her that she would be able to try-out different places and let us know how she felt about each place. So yes I do think WE is the correct word in this situation.
"WE" checked out a new gym last night. DD loved it, I hated it. The drive was long (35 min vs the current 5), locker rooms were dirty, coaches seemed disorganized. On the plus side, it was $35 less per month for more hours than our current gym. There is still one more option for us in the area, but that too would now mean a 35 min drive. We'll still check it out thought.

As for last night's gym, DD loved it, but I wonder if it was because they let her practice with the L6's instead of her current L5!

I have come to this conclusion - gymnastics does involve our whole family - it is my DD's sport, however we all have to support her. DH and I with the time, transporation and fees and DS has to give up some of his free time when he has to "go along" b/c he is too little to stay at home. So in the process of considering a new gym, it is absolutely a "we" process.

Now I'm going to go off on a tangent here...

I have also come to realize that the grass is not greener (or the mats cleaner) on the other side. I really want our current gym to work for us. DD loves her teammates and coaches - she just wants to practice more and practice the skills she has learned. (Learned her standing back tuck this summer, practiced it 2 more times and not once since). We would both miss the friendships that have formed over the years and I would miss the convenience factor.

Our approach for now is for her to take a few private lessons at a different gym (ours does not offer), attend as many open gyms as she can (ours does not offer them) and see how she does at her first 3 meets. If she does well, then I will request for her to be moved to L6. DD requested it during the summer and the HC shot her down. When DD asked again about a month later, HC said lets see how the meets go. According to her bars coach -she is L6, she has the L6 beam, and has the L6 floor, but her robhsbt isn't great. Moving to L6 would mean 4 more hours a week of practice and that is absolutely what DD has been begging for.

So I think the conclusion for us is that we are not moving gyms until I am absolutely sure we have exhausted every way to make this one work for US. While there probably is a better gym, I'm sad to say I don't think I can make that sacrifice at this point.

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