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  1. GymMom&Coach

    Parents SHE DID IT! she did it!!!!!!

    My DD (6 years old Level 3) got her kip last night! :) Now she has all of her Level 4 skills and routines (and she already scored out of L3!), now all she needs to do is turn 7! ;)
  2. GymMom&Coach

    Parents IGC Thanksgiving weekend camp

    Soo...Who is sending their children? My 6 year old daughter is going! She is SO excited since she is not old enough to do the summer camps yet!
  3. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Competition order

    How do you determine your event comp. order? I know some gyms keep it the same at every event at every meet. Some will stagger their better competitors with their weaker ones... What do you do?
  4. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches L3 vault salute ?

    What is the proper way for the L3 to salute after their vault (Handstand flatback) Do they have to sit up on the mat and salute, or can they get off the mat, stand on the floor and salute?
  5. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches vault arm circle...?

    For levels 3 and 4, is the vault arm circle a necessity? Last I remember I thought it was optional?
  6. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches When was your first meet?

    When was your teams first meet this season, and how many do you have per level? We are on the East Coast. We are STILL waiting ;p (im so excited and inpatient) our first meet is Nov 2/3 for my L3,4,5,6,7 We only have 5 meets, plus one homeshow, and states. I feel like this is not enough for...
  7. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches just a coachs brag ;)

    I took on the L4 team at my gym in the middle of summer. They were quite a mess. I just wanted to brag and say that I brought the team from having 4 of 9 girls able to handspring vault without a spot, to my whole team vautling! Im so proud of them! What successes have you had recently?
  8. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches what fun traditions do you carry?

    I am a wife of a AD military hubby. We are stationed on the east coast from Ca. If you know anything about Ca college gymnastics, you have seen the State Ca bears team wear their neon yellow nikes to every meet. I like to carry this tradition with me to the different gyms I coach at. Im curious...
  9. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Looking for a "big meet"

    My boss slightly missed the deadline for our "big meet" of the season. So im in search of something for us (level 3-7) on the east coast. Preferably in jan or feb. We were going to do the Pink meet, but like I said, we were too late. Im thinking Excalibur! Another good ones I should look into?
  10. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Strength and flexibility report. need ideas

    Twice a year I like to do a strength and flexibility report for my team girls. Im looking for a few more ideas. So far I have... Chin-ups (Connected, without touching ground, backwards hands) - Pull ups (Connected, without touching ground, forward hands) - Connected chin up pull overs -...
  11. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Easiest way to fit finger holes in grips

    Has anyone used a dremel to make the finger holes in grips slightly larger? I have a few girls who are struggling with the finger hole size. I would think this would be a easy fix. no?!
  12. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches how do you motivate?

    How do you motivate and get your girls to work to their potential? Right now I am working (new season) level 3, 4 and 5's. I have seen them do better before, and I can tell a lot of their work is looking bad due to laziness or simply not listening to my corrections (I never give tons of...
  13. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Team girl(s) missing practice

    With a excuse, how often do you allow your girls to miss practice? I am all for my girls have other activities, but one of my L4 (will score out and move to L5 SOON! :) Misses , maybe once every two weeks for Track practice and/or a school dance... I really need her to be in the gym and...
  14. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Level 3 vault

    Upon landing on the flatback (for L3 vault) is there a deduction if the arms or feet are up in the hollow position, or does the whole body need to be FLAT on the mat?
  15. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches What does a Program director do?

    We recently had to let our program director go, so the owner is stepping in for the title. I have coached for years, but never moved forward. Im curious to know some information on what a program director does and what type of person it takes to be a successful one. Thanks!
  16. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Floor tape

    What does your floor look like? Do you use floor tape to make "lanes" or no? Do you use tape to have a diagonal line for cross tumbling? At my gym we have all of the above. I see the pros and cons to each. Curious to see what others think... A coach before me did our lane lines with duct tape...
  17. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches high bar nerves (L4)

    A L4 of mine who has all of her bar skills, recently is terrified of jumping to the high bar. (after a stand in coach dident catch her when she clearly dident have the time to catch the bar (she had her shoulders way to far over in her squat on) every time she comes to my bar to practice...
  18. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches How do you deal...

    I have one girl (this season L3) who refuses to condition and strength train... She will just lay there and not listen to my direction when everyone else is. Once I do get her to do only a few moves, she is in tears or complains of a injury... I have spoken with the mother once, but nothing at...
  19. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches Do you scratch events and why?

    What would technically be a good reason to scratch a girl from a specific event? I have two Level 4's who just cant get their kip and long hang kip. I HATE to spot in competition, so this seems like strong grounds to scratch...Am I wrong?
  20. GymMom&Coach

    Coaches older L4 can not finish kip

    I am having a issue with a older L4 gymnast (13 years old, about my same size) not being able to finish her kip. I have worked every drill under the sun with her for a long time! She is SO dang close but she just cant get on top of the bar! Any new drills or tips, PLEASE! I would HATE to scratch...